Dynamical processes on complex networks have generated widespread interest in recent years because of their interdisciplinary applications to a large plethora of problems, ranging from physics and chemistry to biology and social science. Macroscopic self-organized structures can spontaneously emerge from a set of microscopic interacting constituents, an intrinsic ability of the examined systems that proves particularly attractive when the dynamics takes place on a complex network. The topology of the hosting networks plays a crucial role in seeding and shaping collective patterns, an observation, which is nowadays accepted as a paradigm in the realm of complex systems. While synchronization problems on networks have a long history, more "exotic patterns", such as Turing patterns, bump states and chimera states have been addressed only recently for dynamical systems on graphs. A rapidly developing field of special interest for dynamical networks is network neuroscience. Modern network neuroscience treats the brain as a complex network that supports --among other functions-- the processing and integration of information. Therefore, we need to understand how the interplay between dynamics of single neurons or population of neurons and structure leads to self-organized patterns of collective behavior. For this purpose traditional dynamical models (Kuramoto, FitzHugh-Nagumo, Hopf normal form etc.) with different dynamical behavior (oscillatory, excitable, etc.) are employed on complex networks representing functional or structural connections in the brain and the emergence of self-organized patterns associated to the states of the brain is analyzed.
The main goals of the workshop are:
Abstract submission deadline: 14 July 2018
Notification of acceptance: 17 July 2018
Workshop: 26 September 2018
26 September 2018
The workshop will take place at
Vellidio Convention Center
Leoforos Stratou 3, Thessaloniki 546 39, Greece